What a week! I love the reading of Haanel chapter 8 and I feel that, when combined with Og Mandino’s Scroll II, it makes a bomb for the subconscious mind. These are really powerful tools to change my life right now. I keep on meeting with my future self and I have a much clearer picture. I am born anew , like Scroll I says, and I really feel like a kid, full of enthusiasm for all things in my life, from the smallest ones to the biggest ones… My mind is clear like a child mind, open to discover the world again…to see things differently. I have a clearer vision, especially if I am not feeding my mind with negative thoughts or useless opinions. Then, I realize that I have a much fresher look. I feel free from influences of the past. I do not take opinions from others. I just keep observing myself and the people around me, with a detached view- but not judgmental (reminder to myself 😉
I liked a lot also the example given by Haneel on Emerson and Carlyle: it is very appropriate for the moment I live in now, as, after the attacks in Paris, I connected myself to TV and Facebook, feeding my mind with opinions and negative thoughts. So, now I know that it is much better to love the good than to hate the bad, because hatred is hatred and can never be of help, on the contrary. So Haanel managed again to go to the point. Now, shut down again TV and all the other tools. Actually, I did not watch TV anymore, since a long time and I feel much better. When, by chance, it happens to me to watch it again, I remember why I decided to avoid it…
I like the mirror exercise and the work with affirmations: I did it already before following the suggestions of Louise Hay, so now I explore it further with this course. I am struggling with the Battleship meditation and I see that I am not the only one. In this moment, where there is far too much violence out there, I prefer to stay with a cruise ship or to imagine a Michelangelo’s statue, instead. I keep all the features explained in the exercise, but I just change the subject as I find it disturbing, for the time being. I trust the process.
I keep on applying Scroll II and the result is amazing: when I teach a yoga class, at the end, during the final relaxation, when participants lie on the floor, I address to each of them a silent « I love you ». After the class, their smiling and relaxed faces tell me that they received it. Wow! Truly amazing. When I teach yoga to children, they are even more receptive, it is sufficient to look at them and they know that I love each one of them. It is beautiful.
I feel kind of impatient, because all the cells in the body are screaming to prepare the paintings for my next exhibition (it is written in my DMP, that’s why), but I am still struggling with time, with all the assignments and my daily tasks…I hope to find more time, because creativity needs space in the mind. For the moment, my mind is still too busy with the mental diet and all the rest. Anyway, I really see that all the exercises are working in an amazing way. I can see a lot of change in my environment and so it means that my world within is changing in the first place. A lot of surprises every day! What an amazing journey…and we are only at the beginning…more to come…
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