This week passed very quickly, because I came back from holidays and I had to catch up with all the assignments. Uff, very difficult to be into the rhythm again. I feel also a bit blocked as I am in the process of finalizing my Definite Major Purpose.
Sometimes, English is also an issue for me, as it is my third language and I am struggling with some concepts and the webinars are always so dense! Not to talk about Emerson´s script…but I decided to persevere and to use a vocabulary 🙂
On a more positive note, I am grateful and happy to be in this interesting journey, full of discoveries and I feel much more energetic than usual on this time of the year in Brussels, where the light of the sun becomes very rare…
I also realized that, without being conscious of it, in the past I surrounded myself with meaningful objects, that made me think of pleasant moments or places that I love. Now, I see that it is a technique to achieve our dreams, so what a pleasant and creative task for me!
Most importantly, I feel that I am constantly guided in my choices, when I am relaxed and connected with my « Higher Self ». Meditation is key in this respect. I loved it from the very beginning, when I started yoga years ago. I go deeper and deeper into myself and there I find the answers to my questions. Being relaxed and calm is key, as explained in one of the 7 Laws of the Mind.
This week, I also discovered something interesting and funny: before starting the Masterkey course, for a period of time, I listened to the music of my young years (maybe a form of nostalgia). I put « Marlene Kuntz » -a group from Cuneo, my hometown- on « you tube » and danced on their music. It was a long time ago that I used to listen to them. Today, I received an email saying that the leader of the group is coming here tomorrow! This is amazing, as they never really came here as they do mainly huge concerts in Italy… now, we know perfectly that this is not a coincidence, but a focus on my mind that brought something that is more than expected (I did not think to see him here!). What a wonderful gift.

Chiara is a Certified Sampoorna Yoga and Meditation Teacher (RYT 500), Children’s Yoga Teacher (RCYT 95), Yin Yoga Instructor (130 hours) and Reiki practitioner. She comes from Italy, but now she lives in Belgium. Living in an international environment, she speaks Italian, English, French and German.
Chiara’s yoga and meditation path started in 2003, in Brussels, during a stressful period at work. She soon experienced the fullness of the practice and the transformation in the body and mind through the system developed by Shri Yogi Hari, called “Sampoorna Yoga”: the Yoga of Fullness. The enthusiasm for yoga and meditation changed the course of her life and career. After experiencing different Yoga styles and meditation techniques, in 2012 and 2013 she took the Sampoorna Yoga Teacher Training Course with Shri Yogi Hari. The same year (2012), Chiara left her job as a lawyer and now dedicates her time fully to sharing yoga and meditation with children, families and adults.
She loves teaching and practising meditation and yoga. It helps her remain strong, grounded and happy and enables her to deal with the ups and downs of life. A daily meditation practice is an essential part of her life.
Chiara é un’insegnante certificata in Sampoorna yoga e meditazione (500 ore), yoga per bambini (95 ore) e Yin Yoga (130 ore), oltre che praticante di Reiki. E’ italiana di origine, ma ora vive in Belgio. Siccome vive in un ambiente internazionale, parla Italiano, Inglese, Francese e Tedesco.
Il suo cammino di yoga e meditazione comincia nel 2003 a Bruxelles, durante un periodo stressante al lavoro. In quel frangente, Chiara fu conquistata dall’impatto della pratica sul proprio corpo e mente, grazie al sistema sviluppato da Shri Yogi Hari, chiamato Sampoorna Yoga: lo yoga della pienezza. L’entusiasmo per lo yoga e la meditazione cambio’ cosi’ il corso della sua vita e carriera. Dopo aver sperimentato diversi stili di yoga e meditazione, nel 2012 e 2013 decide di diventare insegnante di Sampoorna Yoga con Shri Yogi Hari. Nello stesso anno ( 2012) , Chiara lascia il suo lavoro di giurista ed ora dedica tutto il suo tempo per diffondere lo yoga e la meditazione tra i bambini, le famiglie e gli adulti che cercano la calma interiore, in un mondo pieno di stimoli continui.
Ama insegnare e praticare lo yoga e la meditazione. Questo la aiuta a rimanere forte e felice, in modo da affrontare con facilità e leggerezza gli alti e bassi della vita.
La meditazione quotidiana é ormai divenuta una parte essenziale e irrinunciabile della sua vita.
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