I came back from the yoga retreat really recharged and refreshed. It was much needed, as last week was a very challenging one. This week was a lot easier, and I could complete 4 days of mental diet: of course 3 of them were done during the retreat! Back home, the daily routine in the family and difficult moments with the kids made me restart again. I know I will succeed as I will persist! Scroll 3 from Og Mandino’s book is really inspiring and pushes me out of my comfort zone. I like that. Actually I love this book as much as Haanel’s lessons. I also noticed something interesting, while reading Scroll 2: my heart opened to the world, but I became very sensitive, maybe too much…I am curious to see what happens next, but I hope to stabilize my emotions a bit more, as much as I would like to have a relaxed mind, which is a precondition to succeed in the mental diet (and one of the 7 laws of the mind).
I really experiment that « when the play become though the though comes into play »: the more I go deeper into the mental diet, the more I have obstacles on my path, but here comes Og Mandino again to help me: « each misfortune I encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow’s good luck ». This is a precious advice for me and amazing knowledge. I have been seeking this all my life and I changed myself a lot, following the spiritual path of yoga that is leading me so far, also because it lead me to this course. I am so grateful for that. I also know that the MKMMA came to me, when I was ready for it. So, it is a precious gift in my life right now and I want to extract the most of it. Each person of this wonderful community did an amazing job to be prepared to receive those teachings. We have to celebrate that and not take it for granted. I like also to be part of this community, participating to the Alliances, sharing feelings, ideas, comments. In yoga, we call that « Satsanga », that means « right association »: we know that it is so uplifting to be at the presence of like minded people, supporting each other. So, the community will grow bigger and bigger and the world will be a much better place, if everyone starts thinking in harmony with the Universal Mind. We all are whole, perfect, strong,powerful, harmonious, loving and happy! I inserted this affirmation in my daily meditation, truly savoring each adjective…they are so juicy…I can almost feel their taste 😉
The DMP is sinking deeper and deeper in me. It is my last thought in the evening and the first one in the morning. I see myself walking in the streets of Nice, I notice people, details..and then ofter I fall asleep and dream about it. Therefore, I am really sure that my subconcious got it. Then, I trust that manifestation will occur and certainly what will happen will be far beyond my expectations. How do I know that? I experienced that already in the past, even before this course. I just did not know how the mechanism would work, but now I know. Some parts of my DMP are already manifesting and make me soooo happy!! Wow, I am amazed and grateful. I truly experienced that « what you are seeking, is seeking you », as Haanel, wisely says.
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