In this week 4, I am getting more and more efficient and organized with all the tasks given. The week … Continuer la lecture
octobre 21, 2015
de Chiara Capello
3 commentaires
octobre 21, 2015
de Chiara Capello
3 commentaires
In this week 4, I am getting more and more efficient and organized with all the tasks given. The week … Continuer la lecture
octobre 16, 2015
de Chiara Capello
4 commentaires
Last week, I felt so great, so enthusiastic: I was amazed by the unbelievable results I got so quickly. This … Continuer la lecture
octobre 9, 2015
de Chiara Capello
Commentaires fermés sur Rythm and ease -Week 2
This second week passed very quickly for me, and certainly it was easier than the first one. I experience the … Continuer la lecture
octobre 2, 2015
de Chiara Capello
Commentaires fermés sur My first blog – Week1
This is my first blog. I have never done something like this before. I start a new adventure and I … Continuer la lecture